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HTML Formatter

There are times when we want to work with HTMX through an API. In such cases, we may want to use Response Trait API.

Unfortunately, CodeIgniter does not support HTML formatting for API by default. That's why such a formatter is included here. It will make it easier to work with the API when we want to return data in HTML format.


We should edit the app/Config/Format.php file to include the necessary changes. We should add 'text/html' to the $supportedResponseFormats array, and 'text/html' => HTMLFormatter::class to the $formatters array. This will be done automatically when you run the command:

php spark htmx:publish

Since content negotiation will be triggered for any format other than json or xml, we have two options:

  1. Set the custom headers for every request via HTML tag
  2. Move the 'text/html' entry from the $supportedResponseFormats config array to the first position in the array - this way it will be used as the default value.
    public array $supportedResponseFormats = [
         'application/xml', // machine-readable XML
         'text/xml', // human-readable XML


This is an sample of using HTML formatter:


namespace App\Controllers;

use CodeIgniter\API\ResponseTrait;
use CodeIgniter\RESTful\ResourcePresenter;

class Photos extends ResourcePresenter
    use ResponseTrait;

    public function index()
        $this->format = 'html';
        return $this->respondCreated('<div>Some data</div>');