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Basic usage

New Instance

To create new instance we simply have to call our service along with the folder we want to work with:

$markdownPages = service('markdownpages', ROOTPATH . 'pages');

In many places we use Collection to work with the data. If you're not familiar with the idea of collections, please get familiar with it to use this package comfortably.

Main Methods

These methods are used to retrieve information about the elements inside the folder with which we created an instance.

This directory structure will be a good reference for explaining of how things work.

└── pages
    ├── 1_quick-start
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └── subfolder
    │       └──
    └── first-steps

As you may notice some folders and files are prefixed with the number. This number is used strictly for ordering purposes and is not used when determining the slug or path for the directories and files.


Folders and files names are supposed to include only alphanumeric characters in ASCII and dashes.


Underscores are reserved to postfix the sorting number, which (when avaliable) should be always at the beginning.


This method allow us to retrieve the folders we loaded. There are a couple of ways to specify the directory we're looking for.

  • $path (optional) - We can use:
    • The default null value. To get all the folders.
    • A simple string: 'quick-start/subfolder', to get the certain folder.
    • A string with wildcard: 'quick-start*', to get all the folders that include this path.
    • An array of folders: ['quick-start/subfolder', 'first-steps'], to get may folders.

This method will always return a Collection of folders (Dir classes). Learn more about the Dir class.

// returns Collection class with Dir classes

This will return a Collection of all folders that belongs to given folder path wildcard. In this case: quick-start and subfolder.

// returns Collection class with Dir classes

We can also use helper methods to make more complicated operations.

This will return a Collection of all folders that belongs to given folder path wildcard and are at the given depth. The result will include: subfolder.

// returns Collection class with Dir classes

We can also retrieve folders based on the parent folder. This will return a Collection with the subfolder.

// returns Collection class with Dir classes


This method works the same way as dirs(), but instead of returning a Collection of Dir classes it will return a single Dir class or null if nothing can be found.

It will also not accept the null value as a parameter.

  • $path - We can use:
    • A simple string: 'quick-start/subfolder', to get the certain folder.
    • A string with wildcard: 'quick-start*', to get all the folders that include this path.
    • An array of folders: ['quick-start/subfolder', 'first-steps'], to get may folders.
// returns Dir class or null
$dir = $markdownPages->dir('quick-start/subfolder');
// returns "Subfolder"
// returns 2
// returns "quick-start"
// returns Collection of File classes

When using a wildcard or any other parameter that can result in matching multiple folders, the first one is returned.

Learn more about the Dir class.

This method will search for a given sentence and return a Results class. The search will occur in a couple of places:

  • The file name.
  • The content of the markdown file.
  • And optionally in the YAML content. To make this work, we have to specify which YAML keys should be taken into consideration.
  • $query - The search query.
  • $path (optional) - We can use:
    • The default null value. To get all the folders.
    • A simple string: 'quick-start/subfolder', to get the certain folder.
    • A string with wildcard: 'quick-start*', to get all the folders that include this path.
    • An array of folders: ['quick-start/subfolder', 'first-steps'], to get may folders.
  • $metaKeys (optional) - An array of meta keys to be considered when searching for a query. You have to use YAML part in your files to make it work. Default value: [] (empty array)
// search for "file" keyword
// or with metaKeys if we're using YAML with those keys
$results = $markdownPages->search('file', ['title', 'description']);
// returns the search query: "file"
// returns the Collection with Result class

Learn more about the Result class.

The search is case-insensitive. It's very basic and count the number of occurrences for the searched word. The number of occurrences is used to order the results.

The above search should return 2 results, for: and

We can also use search() with other helper methods:


The above will return only 1 result: The next example will also return only one result, but it will be



Both methods (depth() and parent()) refer as in previous cases to the folder where the file is located, not to the file itself.

Learn more about the Results class.


This method is used to load the file to the File class.

  • $path - The full getPath which includes parent folder path and file slug.
$file = $markdownPages->file('first-steps/second-file');
// returns "Second File"
// returns parsed markdown

Learn more about the File class.

Helper Methods

These helper methods allow you to change the behavior of the methods: dirs(), dir() and search().


It will act differently depending on what value will be passed.

  • $depth - It can be:
    • int - will include all folders that depth is smaller than provided value (including that number).
    • array - will include folders only from given depth.

The example below will select Dir classes: quick-start and first-steps.

// this is an equivalent of above
$markdownPages->depth([0, 1]);


It will act differently depending on what value will be passed.

  • $parent - It can be:
    • string - will include folders only with that parent.
    • string with wildcard - will include all the folders which parent match the pattern.
    • array - will include all folders which has parent listed in the array

This will select the Dir class with folder subfolder.

// string

This will select Dir classes with folder quick-start and subfolder.

// string with wildcard

This will select the Dir class with folder subfolder.

// array