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Composer Installation

The only thing you have to do is to run this command, and you're ready to go.

composer michalsn/codeigniter-markdown-pages

Manual Installation

In the example below we will assume, that files from this project will be located in app/ThirdParty/markdown-pages directory.

Download this project and then enable it by editing the app/Config/Autoload.php file and adding the Michalsn\CodeIgniterMarkdownPages namespace to the $psr4 array, like in the below example:


// ...

public $psr4 = [
    APP_NAMESPACE => APPPATH, // For custom app namespace
    'Config'      => APPPATH . 'Config',
    'Michalsn\CodeIgniterMarkdownPages' => APPPATH . 'ThirdParty/markdown-pages/src',

// ...

The last thing - you still have to install additional libraries via composer:

composer mnapoli/front-yaml myth/collection