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One to one

A one-to-one relationship where one model is associated with exactly one instance of another model.


A User model has one Profile. Each user can have only one profile.

class UserModel extends Model
    use HasRelations;

    // ...

    protected function initialize()

    public function profile(): Relation
        return $this->hasOne(ProfileModel::class);



One to many

A one-to-many relationship where one model is associated with multiple instances of another model.


A User has many Posts. Each user can have multiple posts.

class UserModel extends Model
    use HasRelations;

    // ...

    protected function initialize()

    public function posts(): Relation
        return $this->hasMany(PostModel::class);



One to many inverse

A one-to-many inverse relationship where a model belongs to another model.


A Post belongs to a User. Each profile is associated with one specific user.

class PostModel extends Model
    use HasRelations;

    // ...

    protected function initialize()

    public function user(): Relation
        return $this->belongsTo(UserModel::class);



One of many

A specialized type of one-to-one relationship where a parent model has multiple related records, but only one of them is considered active or relevant at any given time, based on a specific condition (e.g., the most recent, the highest priority, or the one meeting a custom criterion).


This type of relation is especially useful for scenarios where a model has many records, but you only need to retrieve one representative record from the set.

class UserModel extends Model
    use HasRelations;

    // ...

    public function latestPost(): Relation
        return $this->hasOne(PostModel::class)->latestOfMany();

    public function oldestPost(): Relation
        return $this->hasOne(PostModel::class)->oldestOfMany();

    public function bestPost(): Relation
        return $this->hasOne(PostModel::class)->ofMany('rating', OrderTypes::DESC);


If the model uses timestamps, then we will order the result by createdField, otherwise by primaryKey.


If the model uses timestamps, then we will order the result by createdField, otherwise by primaryKey.


The result will be ordered according to the specified field and order.





Has one through

A one-to-one relationship that is linked through an intermediate model. This means the parent model is related to a single record in the final model through another model acting as a bridge.


Consider an application where:

  • A User belongs to a Company.
  • Each Company has an Address.

You want to retrieve a User's Address without needing to manually query through the Company.

class UserModel extends Model
    use HasRelations;

    // ...

    protected function initialize()

    public function address(): Relation
        return $this->hasOneThrough(
            'address_id', // foreignKey - AddressModel
            'id', // foreignKey - CompanyModel
            'id', // primaryKey - AddressModel
            'company_id', // primaryKey - CompanyModel

In this case we have to specify custom $foreignKey and $primaryKey for CompanyModel which will have the value of id and company_id respectively.


We can assign custom keys for all relations.



Has many through

A one-to-many relationship that is linked through an intermediate model. This means the parent model is related to multiple records in the final model through another model acting as a bridge.


Consider an application where::

  • A Country has many Users.
  • A User has many Posts.

You want to fetch all Posts for a Country, even though the Posts table does not directly reference the Country.

class CountryModel extends Model
    use HasRelations;

    // ...

    protected function initialize()

    public function posts(): Relation
        return $this->hasManyThrough(PostModel::class, UserModel::class);



Many to many

A belongsToMany relationship is used for many-to-many associations between two models. This relationship involves an intermediate pivot table that links records in one table to records in another.


Consider an application where:

  • Students can enroll in multiple Courses.
  • A Course can have multiple Students.

Since both Students and Courses can be related to each other in many ways, we use a pivot table to manage this association.

The pivot table should have a name derived from the name of both tables. In this example, it would be course_student - note the singular form of the words. The order of the words is alphabetical.

The table should contain a primary key (id - auto_increment) and two foreign keys for both of models: course_id and student_id.

class StudentModel extends Model
    use HasRelations;

    // ...

    protected function initialize()

    public function courses(): Relation
        return $this->belongsToMany(CourseModel::class);
class CourseModel extends Model
    use HasRelations;

    // ...

    protected function initialize()

    public function students(): Relation
        return $this->belongsToMany(StudentModel::class);


