- One to one
- One to many
- One to many inverse
- One of many
- Has one through
- Has many through
- Many to many
One to one
A one-to-one relationship where one model is associated with exactly one instance of another model.
A User model has one Profile. Each user can have only one profile.
class UserModel extends Model
use HasRelations;
// ...
protected function initialize()
public function profile(): Relation
return $this->hasOne(ProfileModel::class);
One to many
A one-to-many relationship where one model is associated with multiple instances of another model.
A User has many Posts. Each user can have multiple posts.
class UserModel extends Model
use HasRelations;
// ...
protected function initialize()
public function posts(): Relation
return $this->hasMany(PostModel::class);
One to many inverse
A one-to-many inverse relationship where a model belongs to another model.
A Post belongs to a User. Each profile is associated with one specific user.
class PostModel extends Model
use HasRelations;
// ...
protected function initialize()
public function user(): Relation
return $this->belongsTo(UserModel::class);
One of many
A specialized type of one-to-one relationship where a parent model has multiple related records, but only one of them is considered active or relevant at any given time, based on a specific condition (e.g., the most recent, the highest priority, or the one meeting a custom criterion).
This type of relation is especially useful for scenarios where a model has many records, but you only need to retrieve one representative record from the set.
class UserModel extends Model
use HasRelations;
// ...
public function latestPost(): Relation
return $this->hasOne(PostModel::class)->latestOfMany();
public function oldestPost(): Relation
return $this->hasOne(PostModel::class)->oldestOfMany();
public function bestPost(): Relation
return $this->hasOne(PostModel::class)->ofMany('rating', OrderTypes::DESC);
If the model uses timestamps, then we will order the result by createdField
, otherwise by primaryKey
If the model uses timestamps, then we will order the result by createdField
, otherwise by primaryKey
The result will be ordered according to the specified field and order.
Has one through
A one-to-one relationship that is linked through an intermediate model. This means the parent model is related to a single record in the final model through another model acting as a bridge.
Consider an application where:
- A User belongs to a Company.
- Each Company has an Address.
You want to retrieve a User's Address without needing to manually query through the Company.
class UserModel extends Model
use HasRelations;
// ...
protected function initialize()
public function address(): Relation
return $this->hasOneThrough(
'address_id', // foreignKey - AddressModel
'id', // foreignKey - CompanyModel
'id', // primaryKey - AddressModel
'company_id', // primaryKey - CompanyModel
In this case we have to specify custom $foreignKey
and $primaryKey
for CompanyModel
which will have the value of id
and company_id
We can assign custom keys for all relations.
Has many through
A one-to-many relationship that is linked through an intermediate model. This means the parent model is related to multiple records in the final model through another model acting as a bridge.
Consider an application where::
- A Country has many Users.
- A User has many Posts.
You want to fetch all Posts for a Country, even though the Posts table does not directly reference the Country.
class CountryModel extends Model
use HasRelations;
// ...
protected function initialize()
public function posts(): Relation
return $this->hasManyThrough(PostModel::class, UserModel::class);
Many to many
A belongsToMany
relationship is used for many-to-many associations between two models. This relationship involves an intermediate pivot table that links records in one table to records in another.
Consider an application where:
- Students can enroll in multiple Courses.
- A Course can have multiple Students.
Since both Students and Courses can be related to each other in many ways, we use a pivot table to manage this association.
The pivot table should have a name derived from the name of both tables. In this example, it would be course_student
- note the singular form of the words. The order of the words is alphabetical.
The table should contain a primary key (id
- auto_increment) and two foreign keys for both of models: course_id
and student_id
class StudentModel extends Model
use HasRelations;
// ...
protected function initialize()
public function courses(): Relation
return $this->belongsToMany(CourseModel::class);
class CourseModel extends Model
use HasRelations;
// ...
protected function initialize()
public function students(): Relation
return $this->belongsToMany(StudentModel::class);