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Basic usage

Defining languages

This library relies on settings from Config\App::defaultLocale and Config\App::supportedLocales.

The current language is based on actual HTTP request.

Tables design

To easily describe how this library is working, we will use an example where we have articles with title and content fields that should be translated.

We will need two tables:

  • Table articles

    • id
    • author
    • created_at
    • updated_at
  • Table article_translations

    • id
    • article_id
    • locale
    • title
    • content

Each table will have its own model.


You can generate the skeleton for the translations based on the main table name. To do so use php spark translatable:generate command.

For the details, please see: Generating the skeleton section in the configuration page.

Defining models

The main model should use HasTranslations trait and then the initialize() method should be used to initialize a library, like in the below example:


namespace App\Models;

// ...

class ArticleModel extends Model
    use HasTranslations;

    protected $table         = 'articles';
    protected $primaryKey    = 'id';
    protected $returnType    = Article::class;
    protected $allowedFields = ['author'];
    protected $useTimestamps = true;

    // ...

    protected function initialize(): void

    // ...

Now the model with translations:


namespace App\Models;

// ...

class ArticleTranslationModel extends Model
    protected $table         = 'article_translations';
    protected $primaryKey    = 'id';
    protected $returnType    = 'object';
    protected $allowedFields = ['article_id', 'locale', 'title', 'content'];

    // ...

Defining the entity

Using the entity is not required but it might be handy. We use it only for the main model and it should use TranslatableEntity trait:


namespace App\Entities;

// ...

class Article extends Entity
    use TranslatableEntity;

    protected $datamap = [];
    protected $dates   = ['created_at', 'updated_at'];
    protected $casts   = [];


Selecting the data

We will assume that our request locale is recognized as en and our supportedLocalse are set to ['en', 'pl', 'de'].

The usage will be very basic. The model will load only translations for the current locale (en):

$article = model(ArticleModel::class)->find(1);
// will print author
echo $article->author;
// will print "en" title
echo $article->translate()->title;

But we can also load all translations:

$article = model(ArticleModel::class)->withAllTranslations()->find(1);
// will print author
echo $article->author;
// will print "en" title
echo $article->translate()->title;
// will print "en" title
echo $article->translate('en')->title;
// will print "pl" title
echo $article->translate('pl')->title;
// will print "de" title
echo $article->translate('de')->title;