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View fragments

We can use view fragments inside our views. The syntax is similar to one known from "Sections", example:

// app/Views/page.php
<h2>Page header</h2>
<?php $this->fragment('example'); ?>
        <caption><?= $caption; ?></caption>
<?php $this->endFragment(); ?>

Now, if we make a normal call to the view('page'), the view will be returned as usual. But if we make a call with a new function view_fragment('page', 'example'), the whole view will be parsed as before, but we will get only the part inside the fragment "example".

class Home extends BaseController
    public function page(): string
        return view('page', ['caption' => 'Full page returned']);

    public function pageFragment(): string
        return view_fragment('page', 'example', ['caption' => 'Only page fragment returned']);

We can return multiple fragments at the same time. Just separate each fragment with a comma or assign an array instead of a string.